Known to be one of the most powerful politicians in India, BJP National President Amit Shah has urged people to not enter into casteism issues as virus sees no religion. Amit Shah speaking with ABP News also requested to stop forwarding daily messages on Coronavirus which creates unnecessary panic amongst the masses. On March 31st, a resident of Jamnagar, Samir Patel had created a Broadcast Group for Coronovirus updates was taken into custody while he was released after paying Rs 5000/- fine.
Amit Shah in a joint press conference said: Creating panic through social media is not the way to go forward, rather let’s use that tool of social media to create as much positivity as possible. Coronovirus in other countries like U.S and Italy have gone to unprecedented numbers and if we talk about India, we have 3300+ cases so far since last 30 days which is still manageable if we unite and fight this pandemic. Thanks to our selfless team of Government, Doctors, Nurses and Waste Management, we are not suffering like how Italy or U.S is going through but if we don’t follow the lockdown rules, we might have to suffer in the coming days”
The I.T Team of Gujarat Cyber Police also released a statement that any kind of negative messages related to Coronavirus which if reported to any local jurisdiction will be taken seriously and the offender will be charged as per the new rules set by the Cyber Police as well as the Government.