Note- This photos were clicked during the peak hours when a long que was there but the staff had gone to chill. Maybe to have some tea with their friends. This was’nt even a break time or lunch time. It was 10 am in the morning.
Indian Goverment offices actually are the most laziest, non-responsive, laidback and biased offices you will ever find on the entire globe. No, this is not a frustration of a common man, it is actually a fact which has been troubling the lives of common people since years. We don’t wish to sensationalise or offend any authority but what they are doing is completely uncalled, unprofessional and highly backwards considering we are living in the 21st century. The bollywood movies are actually perfect when they sometimes depict their whole system.
We can understand net facilities being not available one or two days a month, but this post office has a problem whole year round consistently everyday. In fact that is the only thing they are consistent in. You go to the post office and 7 out of 10 times they will say “COME TOMMOROW’ or ‘KAL AANA’ NET SLOW HAI or NET NAI CHAL RAHA HAI”
I mean is that the answer you give to your customers who come and stand in long lines leaving their work and households? one day its fine, for two days its fine, but everyday?
Isn’t that the responsibility of the Goverment (or the concerned authorities) that atleast basic net facilities are provided considering they have millions of accounts and customers lying with them, We are sure they can afford and even if they can’t, its totally not ours but their responsibility to atleast have basic proper internet which is functioning everyday.
You just can’t say shamelessly everyday ‘KAL AANA’ or ‘NET NAI CHAL RAHA HAI BHAI’
Trust me, the world has developed to highly advanced technology of advanced computers which are fast, efficient and super responsive but you go to any of the post office and you will find a old box of computer which is atleast 10 to 15 years old if not more than that. These PC’s are in fact so old, that 5-7 years ago itself, the selling of these models have been stopped. Not only are they super slow but most of the times it lags or suffers huge breakdowns. Again they have a handy answer ready ‘COMPUTER NAI CHAL RAHA HAI SIR, KAL AAO NA’ ‘COMPUTER SLOW HAI, KYA KARU BOLO?’ ‘COMPUTER BIGAD GAYA HAI BHAI’
In fact the whole software and the whole system which they have is so old that if they modify and use a better advanced customer management software(for NSC/Savings account and other products) they can get their work done 10 times faster. Forget about that, even if they start using better computers with new modern CPU’s and proper internet facilities, they can save theirs and ours one third of the time.
Be it senior citizens whose entire existence depends on the money being matured from those National certificates or uneducated or poor people who don’t know any process or naive people like me who would surely need some help in some or the other way, the staff won’t help any of them unless you sit for an hour or two calling them ‘SIR SIR’ or ‘MADAM MADAM’ . They need to be pampered with high amount of respect just to get a normal task done. Some staff will talk with their buddies, won’t be sitting on their designated place(instead will strut around doing timepass) or be on their phone chit-chatting whereas there would be an entire que of common people waiting to get their task done by them.
We bet you, go for 30 days continously and you will come across atleast 15 days where they will ‘ SIR passbook machine nai chal raha ahi, kal aana’ ‘ Sir we got no cheques, call karke aana’ and when we ask kab cheque ayega? they would say : ‘KUCH BOL NAHI SAKTE, ROJ PHONE KARTE RAHO, JAB AYEGA TAB LE JANA’
I mean is this the answer you give?
The problem with ‘us'(the common man) is we have accepted that the system will never change,’ Chalta hai waise chalne do’ as long as the task is getting done but how long will we all bare this? I mean is this the only way we will live for the next 30-40 years? If that’s the case, than we are definately very very far to even get a tag of ‘Developing country’ because all this is nothing but unacceptable and needs to be changed. Please don’t just let it go…take some action, no one’s gonna kill you for that for sure! In fact many would look up to you & also appreciate.
Its also high time that someone takes a stand and changes this whole system. Please unite, please share and spread it to all our friends and relatives with a hope that it reaches the right person/authority which may atleast take some steps.
& yeah if this article has reached any politician and he/she is reading right now, please get up from your chair & start working on atleast few of the promises you made before elections.