Crictracker- one of the leading cricket news media platforms in India based in Bangalore has been accused of using a video without using the owner’s consent or providing with the due credits. In a recent post of theirs which was posted on 8th May, 2020 at 1:05 pm, the video went on to garner 2.7 million views. Crictracker which has a strong social media presence with 1 million + followers on instagram and another 7.8 million + followers on facebook recently posted a video of a young cricketer called Madad Abbas without giving due credits to the player or mentioning the source of the video.
For the uninitiated, Madad Abbas is the youngest leg spinner in India wherein he has received worldwide recognition from Indian & International cricketers for his amazing spin bowling skills. International cricketers like Shane Warne to Indian Cricketers like Aakash Chopra have lauded the little Madad for his extra ordinary bowling skills.
Crictracker had posted a video of Madad on 8th May, 2020 from his instagram profile, the video went on to garner 2.7 million views on Cricktracker’s official facebook page. Crictracker being a commercial media brand gained a huge social media response with 2.7 million views.
This move by Crictracker has not gone down well with many eminent personalities & social media influencers from the cricketing circle condemning the act. Also this will be a learning lesson ahead not only for Crictracker but anyone who uses social media accounts to put the right credits when using someone else’s video.
Madad Abbas’s father speaking with shared:
Madad could have got so many opportunities to connect with coaches and big players who appreciated the video on Cricktracker’s platform, but because madad’s name was also not mentioned, my son has got zero recognition. Had my son madad’s name been mentioned in the video, he would have got noticed by international coaches and cricketers which could have helped him get more opportunities, but no credits were mentioned in the video and we have all the substantial proof of it. Hence, we would be going ahead with a complain against Crictracker regarding the same.
Madad’s Instagram Profile-
The Video in Contention:
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